Clinton's plan to allow continued illegal immigration, including amnesty for at least 10 Million illegals, and to expand legal mass immigration, will crush American citizen workers, damage their families and devastate their communities.
Trump's plan to stop illegal immigration and to limit legal immigration will save the jobs of American citizen workers, protect their families and strengthen their communities.
Regardless of how you may feel about Donald Trump’s rhetoric and manner of expression, if you truly care about American workers, their families and communities, there is only one way to help them. The only way to prevent the further devastation of the American working class from being overwhelmed and finally drowned by a flood of low wage immigrants, is to elect Donald Trump.
That is even more true for members of the African American and Latino citizen communities. If you truly want to help African American and Latino citizens, then you cannot be in favor of continued mass immigration.
This is a stark choice with grave consequences: Are you Pro-Citizen or Pro-Immigrant? With 94 Million Americans out of work, and more factories leaving every month, you cannot pretend to be both. Either we stand up for all our citizens and protect them and their families, or we give their jobs and communities over to foreign nationals. The consequences of this choice are existential for our country.
Pro-immigration Democrats rely on winning massive majorities from African Americans, and to a lesser but significant extent, from Latino Americans.
In swing states with very close margins, decreasing the Democratic majority within these groups by only a small amount can lead to victory for the Pro-Citizen Trump campaign.
All Citizens First is creating ads demonstrating that it is the best interest of the African American and Latino citizen communities to vote for restricting immigration by voting for Trump: 1) continued immigration is especially harmful to African Americans and Latino citizens; 2) continued immigration only helps the wealthy elite and the Democratic political elite; 3) The Democratic Party is using African Americans and Latino citizens as pawns purely to increase its own political power.
All Citizens First will focus on radio ads to reach these two communities. Radio is much more highly fragmented by audience and enables a much more focused outreach. Radio has been largely ignored in favor of TV, where the target audience is much more diffused. Radio is also much more cost effective.
Focusing on a heavy radio presence in narrowly targeted areas in key swing states for the last several weeks of the campaign will be the difference maker in this very close election.
To a lesser extent, the ad program will also focus on suburban moderate voters who have been subject to years of Democrat propaganda that opposing further mass immigration is somehow racist. By demonstrating how damaging immigration is to African American and Latino citizens, and how those groups are helped by properly limiting immigration, we will help the suburban moderates reject the Democrat propaganda and feel more comfortable with limiting immigration by voting for Trump.
94 Million American citizens are out of work.
Immigration hurts American citizens and their families by stealing jobs that rightfully belong to the citizens. Those citizens who haven't lost their jobs outright have had their wages lowered by the unnecessary increase in the labor supply.
There is no need for any further immigration until every one of those 94 Million citizens have been offered the chance to work.
African Americans and Latino citizens have been the hardest hit.
If we want to help African Americans and Latino citizens, we must properly limit immigration.
The needs and well-being of all American citizens, African American, Latino, White, Asian and Native American, should come first before any consideration is given to the desires of immigrants from foreign lands.
While we understand and sympathize with foreigners who want to enjoy the many blessings of living in the USA, their interests simply must come after the needs of our fellow American citizens.
If and only if there are unfilled job positions after all the unemployed 94 Million citizens have been offered the opportunity to take them, only then can we consider allowing foreign nationals to enter our country and apply for a job. Until then, all jobs in the USA belong to American citizens.
Shipping our factories out of the country while bringing in millions of low wage workers is crushing the working and middle class, all to the benefit of the global elite and the professional/managerial class that supports them. The global elite and the professional/managerial class will always be comfortable under any arrangement, but the working and middle classes are being crushed. Our loyalty should lie with our fellow citizens. They need our help. They deserve our support. We cannot abandon them in their time of crisis.